✿ The Colours of Million Memories by Juliet le Sweetheart ✿: Cooking class with...

♥ Ya Allah, andai telah Kau titipkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dan hatiku menjadi cinta nan satu...

Amin... ♥

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Cooking class with...



Ingat tak post ni >> Me??? A Chef??? Seriously!!!!

Well, today is the day!

Tengahari tadi kemain masak lagi kat pantry office. Main masak-masak jer. Hehehehe...

Resepi yang aku kongsi untuk hari ni ialah

Spaghetti seafood aglio olio.

Senang jer. Campak-campak jer semua terus siap!

Ha... cam ner? Nampak menyelerakan tak?

Me in action!

Cheflah sangat kan...

Gambar periuk kosong lagi. Tengah masak semua orang concentrate. Bagus anak-anak murid ni. Hehehe...

Full house!

My first experience. I had so much fun today. Hopefully, they enjoyed the food and try it out someday!


Kalau nak resepi Spaghetti Aglio Olio boleh klik sini.

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