Award ketiga untuk ♥ The Colours of Million Memories ♥ sepanjang 7 tahun aku berblog. Hahahha...
Thanx Ica for giving me this really lovely award. I am very blessed by knowing that you enjoy my ramblings here and hey, I love your blog too!
Ok, now to pass it on to 10 of my favorite blogs. Yes! My favorite blogs and you deserved it!
Ica on Ica's Tales of Mommyhood, this award goes back to you 'cause i really do love your blog!
Mrs. Gg, on :: When 2 BeCome 1 ::
Mrs. Iszan on Angel or Evil? You Decide.
Mummy and Daddy Keisha 0n Keisha Binti Norizam
Mrs. Sz on Sarah Safiyyah | Syimir Mikail
Watie on My genius baby Qarissa
Lady Verde on :: OUR LIFE ::
Mama-miya on An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy...
Hana 0n journey.goes.on
Maslina on My Special Memories...
Yulie on Yulie's Corner
And the last one but the most favorite blogs of all is of course my hubby's blog... Love his blog so much. Specially, when he wrote about me and our kids.
Grab it and have fun!
wow! thanks julie.. nnti aku tepek kat blog aku. bangga ni :D
what about your hubby's blog?
welcome babe!
Thanks.. aku bangga gak.. ahaks!!
Tq Auntie Julie... Saya pon x sure naper takleh nak post comment.. sebab ada jugak yg ckp camtu.. tapi.. some of them tak find the difficulties on it... maybe xde rezeki nak komen kot... hehehe
thank u...
Salam Julie,
Terima kasih bagi lovely award ni...
Terima kasih juga sbb selalu singgah ke blog saya..
Nanti bila berkesempatan saya tepek kat blog saya ya...
julie julie~~~ me so touched!! thanx dear :) lets meet at mel this aug 2010. hehe *hint*
Julie, "blush" "blush" i dibuatnya...
ps: I tak tau pun en hubby also got his own blog. Wow, 2 bloggers in the house. Nanti when the little ones dah besar, they can enjoy reading both, i'm sure.
julie: kidnap ini anugerah ye! :)
no worries uollsss... sila lah ambil...
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