✿ The Colours of Million Memories by Juliet le Sweetheart ✿: Hujan batu

♥ Ya Allah, andai telah Kau titipkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dan hatiku menjadi cinta nan satu...

Amin... ♥

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hujan batu

Pagi semalam kitorang ke Epping Plaza. Balik tu, dalam lebih kurang pukul 3.30 petang, cuaca mendung sangat. Memang tersangat gelap, bak kata enche Neezam semalam, "tengok langit macam nak runtuh!". Takut pulak aku mendengarnya. Tapi cuaca petang semalam memang sangat menakutkan. Matahari memang hilang dari pandangan. Awan gelap menyelubungi langit. Awan bergerak laju. Angin pun bertiup kencang!

Alhamdulillah, masa kitorang sampai ke rumah, hujan baru turun rintik-rintik; gerimis jer. Tak lama lepas tu, hujan turun sangat lebat!

Tadi aku ada borak-borak dengan kengkawan. Katanya semalam turun hujan air batu kat Melbourne ni. Tapi air batunya bukan calang-calang. Aku bayangkan, paling-paling pun sebesar hujung ibu jari kelingking. Rupa-rupanya sebesar bola golf!!!

Aku ingat lagi dulu, aku pun pernah jumpa hujan air batu kat sini. Ingat lagi... masa tu famili aku dan ramai kengkawan berkumpul kat rumah kitorang, masa tu kat Uni Mews, sebelum bergerak ke Bright. Tetiba turun hujan air batu. Tapi kecik-kecik jer lah. Tak lebat sangat pun dan air batunya pun kecil tak sampai sebesar guli pun. Tapi kali ni kalau sebesar bola golf, memang dasyatlah! Tu kalau kena kepala ke, muka ke. Mau pengsan tu!

Aku tak tau lah samada kat kawasan Bundoora dan sekitarnya ni terkena hail storm atau tak semalam. Sebab kitorang duduk apartment. So, kalau hujan pun tak berapa dengar sangat bunyi bisingnya. Tapi dengar kata kat Melbourne CBD yang teruk kena.

Cuaca sekarang ni sangat tak menentu, membuatkan aku takut kalau tetiba terkena bencana yang kite tak jangka. Semoga kite semua dilindungi Allah swt daripada segala malapetaka. Amin...

Massive hailstones pound Melbourne

Updated Sat Mar 6, 2010 6:02pm AEDT

Severe thunderstorms have hit Melbourne as parts of Victoria are lashed by strong winds and large hail stones.

Hailstones the size of golf balls have hit the suburb of Melton, in Melbourne's west, as a line of storms moved through western Victoria.

Winds of more 100 kilometres an hour have been recorded at Melbourne Airport while nearly 40 millimetres of rain fell at Rockbank, west of Melbourne.

Streets across Melbourne's CBD have been flooded and police are warning people not to drive through the flooded areas after some motorists became trapped.

Trains and trams have been disrupted by the weather.

The Bureau of Meteorology says the storms will continue through to the evening and heavy rain is likely.

The State Emergency Service has responded to 1,500 calls for help .

Andrew Gissing from the SES says more storms are expected to hit Melbourne tonight.

"Our SES crews have been out on the road this afternoon responding to people with damaged roofs, also flash flood waters entering properties and also assisting other emergency services in response to the flash flooding and the hail damage this afternoon," he said.

ABC reporter Tom Nightingale was at Southern Cross Railway Station in the city when the storm hit.

He says the station was blocked off and commuters were stranded after hail damaged the roof.

"All of a sudden, with a really loud crash a whole bunch of hail and water just broke through the roof basically and fell on platform two, which is the one which is closest to Spencer Street," he said.

"It probably took a good half an hour for authorities to block it off to stop people from walking around where it was unsafe to do so."

The AFL had to abandon practice matches this afternoon because of the storm.

Sorce : here


Faliq said...

kak julie kawasan yg effect, melb cbd dan south nyer.. kita kan north.. xde pape on saturday tu.. cuma mmg perasan ada awan hitam and ribut..

Tipah said...

Waaahhh.. takotnyeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Jage diri lek lok tauu sume kat sane..

mak encik | SZ said...

semoga julie sekeluarga dilindungi Allah...takecare!

mas said...

masuk paper metro pasal hujan batu tu la julie...besar sebesar bola golf..next time kalau hujan batu lagi...leh amek hujan batu tuh n selawat 3 kali n makan la...

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