Baru lepas pekena "3 layer tea" sebentar tadi. Sangat yummeh! Lebih-lebih lagi bila orang belanja. Hehehehe... Tq for the treat yer ayah chik!
Three Layer Tea
30ml Palm Syrup
70ml F&N Evaporated Filled Milk
10g Ceylon Tea Leaves
70ml Hot Water
Crushed ice/ice cubes
Soak Ceylon tea leaves into a hot water cup/ container and leave it aside for 15 min.
Pour Palm Syrup into serving glass.
Fill in crushed ice up to the brim.
Pour in F&N Evaporated Filled Milk.
Gently pour in Ceylon tea prepared earlier. The tea should remain above the layer of F&N Evaporated Filled Milk. A 3 Layer of separation will appear.
Serve chilled.
Sumber : F&N Cooking Mama
Tadi aku tengok ada cordial yang dah siap dalam botol untuk pati gula yang layer bawah sekali tu. Tak tau lah diorang jual ke tak pati tu sebab bila ditanya, mamak tu tara paham! Aiyoooo...
So korang, dah try ke belum teh berlapis-lapis ni? Kalau belum, jom gi serang kedai mamak sekarang!!!
3 layer tea ni also known as "baby" kat sesetengah kedai kalu order leh cakap macam ni.."mamak! baby satuuu"..hehe
wooooo... baby?
takut plak nak try order dengan ayat tu... huhuhuhu...
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