✿ The Colours of Million Memories by Juliet le Sweetheart ✿: Facebook berbayar?

♥ Ya Allah, andai telah Kau titipkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dan hatiku menjadi cinta nan satu...

Amin... ♥

Monday, February 8, 2010

Facebook berbayar?

Panas! Panas! Panas!

Facebook nak kenakan yuran? Alaaa bukannyer mahal sangat pun. Cuma usd$4.99. Kalau convert ke RM... hmmmm... tak sampai 20 hengget pun...

Tapi... aku malaslah... Malas nak berbayar-bayar ni even sehengget pun!

Kengkawan kat facebook ramai yang cakap pasal benda ni. Dengar kata, mulai bulan Julai 2010 ni, pengguna facebook kena bayar macam yuranlah. Of courselah... ramai yang tak setuju, itu termasuklah aku! Siap ada group yang menentang tentang bayaran ni kat facebook *aku tak join yer... tak kuasa!*. Tapi... betul ker kena bayar? Macam tak logik jer. Sebab aku rasa kalau facebook kenakan bayaran atau yuran, diorang akan lagi rugi sebab akan kurang pengguna.


Aku cari jawapannya...

Dan seperti yang aku duga... that's just a rumor! Chet!

Again, Facebook Will Not Charge Users To Access The Site

-Pay Here Image-The ongoing thread that Facebook will soon begin charging for their site doesn’t appear to be slowing. The other night I was having dinner with a family friend who told me about a scoop he had that Facebook would soon begin charging for the site and proceeded to explain why he would pay. While it’s great that Facebook has provided value to his life and millions of others, the company will not charge users to access the site.

Just two weeks ago we wrote that Facebook will not charge users, however millions of users continue to be deceived. One Facebook group, “300,000 MEMBERS NEEDED TO STOP FACEBOOK FROM CHARGING £/$14.99 A MONTH”, has successfully attracted over 474,000 users. Another group claims Facebook will begin charging on July 1st, but it’s a flat out lie used as a way to drive thousands of users to the group.

While Facebook has systematically shut down groups spreading this false information one at a time, I’d expect the company to create a filter to prevent these groups from being created in the first place. As I wrote in December, “Facebook didn’t become the most popular site in the U.S. on Christmas by charging for their service, and they aren’t going to become the largest site in the world by charging for their service.”

This is an ongoing rumor which Facebook continues to deny, stating that their service is ad supported. To all the users who think Facebook will start charging for their service, this article is for you. It never happened before, and while Facebook could generate billions by charging for their site, it’s not going to happen. All the groups stating that Facebook will charge are nothing more than flat out lies.

Sumber : klik sini

So kengkawan... janganlah risau yer... semua tu rumor. Tapi kalau tak percaya jugak, kite tunggu jer lah Julai ini. Haaa... kalau betul kena bayar, jom ramai-ramai, kite beralih ke twitter plak! Hehehhehehe...

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