✿ The Colours of Million Memories by Juliet le Sweetheart ✿: Being 28 - The day to be remembered

♥ Ya Allah, andai telah Kau titipkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dan hatiku menjadi cinta nan satu...

Amin... ♥

Monday, June 30, 2008

Being 28 - The day to be remembered

Today is a special day! A very special day for a special me! Hehehehe…

Today is my birthday. It’s 28. Another year added to my age. Thanks Allah for this another year of my beautiful life. And this is my second year I’m celebrating my birthday here in Melbourne, just with both of my lucky charms. Though I don’t have a big celebration but I still enjoyed the day. And of course as my special day today, Neezam let me cuti-cuti and he done all the house works. Hehehhe…

Actually this year I’m celebrating my birthday in a very unusual way. No big surprises from my hubby dear as he always did every year before; 26th, 27th. He said that a few weeks before my birthday, he was very very very busy and still, but I understood and I don’t mind at all. In fact, semalam pun dah keluar shopping habiskan duit kat Smith St. Hehehe… Oklah tu… Aku ni memang suka shopping! *Pst… This weekend gi DFO plak yer bang…

This morning, after a morning birthday greeting with warm kisses from both my buchuk macham, they replayed my birthday’s presentation that he created for me last year. And yeah… I still love it! And I got an Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue perfume from my hubby. Tqsm! Suka sangat bau dia.

After breakfast yang ditaja sepenuhnya oleh my mr. hubby, we went to SARA for futsal training. Hehehhe… Boleh tak? Masa hari jadi gi main futsal? And the best part is, I as a striker, who always got at least one goal before this, got no goal today! Very sedih ok. Huhuhuhu… And and and… ada lagi… Bola yang ditendang oleh entah siapa itew jatuh terjelepuk betul-betul kat atas batang hidung beta yang mancung ini. Sakit wooooo… kemek hidungku. Hadiah birthday tu! Hehehe… Tak kesah pun. Adat kan… Well, I’m enjoying futsal so much now! Kengkawan pun best! Spoting habis!

~Part of our futsal team. Ramai lagi yang tak dapat datang ni...~

Penat main futsal terus balik melepak kat rumah. Tapi sebelum tu sempat gi cari cheesecake kat cheesecake house. Yum yum… Sedap!!!

Malam, en din invited us to their house. Kak Gee made me a very moist delicious chocolate cake. Sunggu terharu ok… Huhuhu… Dan rasanya supper dupper yummie. Neezam lengkapkan lagi makan malam kami ni dengan 2 family size cheesy pizza from Yasin. Semua sedap!

~Very special kak Gee’s homemade moist chocolate cake. Yummie!~

Thanks to all who greeted me; hubby, Niesreena, mak, abah, PIL, adik-adik, sepupu sepapat, kengkawan semua. I really appreciate it! I never expected so much warm greetings. Tqsm!

*juliet le sweetheart : just lucky to be me!


MaLyN said...

epi blated 28th bday
sori lmbt
saya ingat sgt² tp smalam been very² xtra bz,xsmpat nk wish
but i guess zam dh wish earlier kt frenster kn?

may ur day ful wit joy n epiness
salam wat nizam n nisreena

Juliet Le Sweetheart said...

tq malin!!! :)

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