✿ The Colours of Million Memories by Juliet le Sweetheart ✿: From Segamat with luv

♥ Ya Allah, andai telah Kau titipkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dan hatiku menjadi cinta nan satu...

Amin... ♥

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

From Segamat with luv

Posto! Posto!

Guess what I’ve got today?

Guess what in it?

Oooooo… sangat soka!

Crystal’s brooch! Sangat sepadan dengan set kristalku yang sedia ada! Suka! Sangat suka!

I received this birthday presie from my in-law. From Malaysia with luv. Sungguh terharu… Sungguh suka… Sungguh gumbira beta hari ini. Never expected to get this beautiful pressie.

And also the sweater. Memula tu ingatkan tudung. Ngok! Hehehehe… rupanya sweater. Katanya dari Bandung ye? Suka jugak! It makes me warm and I’m wearing it at this moment I’m writing this post. Hehehhe…

Tqsm mak, ayah and adik-adik! Luv ya sooooo muchy!

*juliet le sweetheart : I’ve told ya I’m soo lucky!:)

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