✿ The Colours of Million Memories by Juliet le Sweetheart ✿: #R4BIA

♥ Ya Allah, andai telah Kau titipkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dan hatiku menjadi cinta nan satu...

Amin... ♥

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Let's pray for Egypt

Source ::here::

Have you seen the yellow and black colored four fingered hand sign on social media recently and want to know that what is it? Why people are posting about it on internet? #Raaba #Rabia or #R4BIA is four in Arabic. This hand sign by raising 4 fingers has become the symbol of the massacre in Egypt as well as Rabaa al-Adawiya Square where the anti-coup protests take place.

More than 181 people were killed last Friday in mass rallies staged by Morsi supporters in several Egyptian cities to protest Wednesday's violent dispersal of their two main protest sites Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya and Giza's Nahda squares on Wednesday.

The Health Ministry said that at 638 people had been killed in nationwide violence since Wednesday, including 288 in Rabaa and 87 in Nahda. Erdogan (Prime Minister of Turkey) showed solidarity with Muslim brotherhood by showing 4 fingers. Muslims from all over the word embraced this symbol for the protest of killings of Muslims in the world.

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