✿ The Colours of Million Memories by Juliet le Sweetheart ✿: Niesreena was sick again

♥ Ya Allah, andai telah Kau titipkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dan hatiku menjadi cinta nan satu...

Amin... ♥

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Niesreena was sick again

The weather here in Melbourne is really confusing. It can be very hot in the morning and very cold in the night. And last weekend was really cold in the morning and extremely hot in the afternoon! Super dupa hot day and we went to Dockland. Poor Niesreena. I think that she can’t stand the weather that made her sick!

My poor baby… It’s been 2 days since Niesreena caught by a fever but then comes the flu lah pulak. That’s mean 2 nights also that me and Neezam cannot sleep well over the night. She’s woke up in the middle of the night crying and screaming! Don’t know what she really wants! Sometimes I could hear her nose blocking and her body was really warm. Her temperature was 37.8! Niesreena vomited a few times and yet still can smile and play… Oh sayang… I’m really worried. Neezam and I woke up every hour to check on her and wiped her with cold wet cloth. OMG, if just we can pass over the sick, I would want to have it rather than her.

What makes me really angry was Niesreena doesn’t want to take her medicine. Really hard to give her one! Kena paksa, sampai berpeluh-peluh aku dibuatnya! Phewww… Sometimes I put the medicine in her juice or in her milk. But she knows! Then she doesn’t want to drink those. Eeeee… geramnya! Yet, what else can I do? Paksa relalah!

This morning, Niesreena seems to be much better. Her temperature seems to be decreasing but she still got running nose. Niesreena pun dah main-main dan mula ‘mengemas’ rumah compared to yesterday she just lay down and whenever I go she wanna follow and if I left her she will cry as though as someone pinched her! But alhamdulillah, I’m really glad that she is much better now…

OMG, I’m really sleepy… Just wish that my hubby was around to take care of Niesreena while I’m sleeping… Huuuaaaaaa…


Ayah Niesreena said...

alah, perangai tak nak minum dan makan ubat ni niesreena inherited dari MAMA diaaaa….. tatak helan!! ;p

Akmal said...

Erk.. Neena demam sebab makan eskrem akt diockland aritu ke sebab sy dok dukung dia je?
Rasa cam bersalah plak

Fiza Anas Anis said...

selalu sgt reena demam..dah gi check doktot? ada check air kencing dia tak? baby/toddler yg selalu demam kekadang under underlying problem.ada obat bontot?(supp pcm)..saya ada la obat sket2.standby for anis..so far anis tak penah demam lagi..only once time 4 months.nak,kasitau la ek.

Sue @ Mommy Lisya said...

ala cian si tembam ni demam erk, ala biasala budak demam ni, mak su selalu ckp demam nak bsr nak pandai buat something la tu , reena demam pun maintain tembam yer tu yg geram, cam lisya dulu below 1 yr sekali je demam tapi bila dah aktif sethn tiap2 bln demam, tak pe la syg get well soon yer

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