✿ The Colours of Million Memories by Juliet le Sweetheart ✿: Marilah mari… kita mengundi…

♥ Ya Allah, andai telah Kau titipkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dan hatiku menjadi cinta nan satu...

Amin... ♥

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Marilah mari… kita mengundi…

Yesterday, Neezam, kak Ema, Umi and I went to Malaysia Hall to register for this becoming Election Day in Malaysia. I feel a bit excited since this is the first time (or can say the only time) I will make the election by post. Actually we never thought that we have a chance to elect but last minute kak Ema ask us to go to Malaysia hall to register.

Can’t wait 8th March to pangkah! Selamat mengundi!

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