✿ The Colours of Million Memories by Juliet le Sweetheart ✿: 20 things that changed when you have a baby

♥ Ya Allah, andai telah Kau titipkan dia milikku, satukanlah hatinya dan hatiku menjadi cinta nan satu...

Amin... ♥

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

20 things that changed when you have a baby

I’ve been tagged by mommy Lisya.

*Ps: Sorry Sue. Dah lama Sue tag, baru sekarang nak wat. ;P

20 things that changed when you have a baby


First important things that changed were me myself. I’m a mother now. The status changed in a second when my lovely Niesreena was born.


Everything I do I am thinking of my little one. Even when I sleep!


Everytime I can’t handle Niesreena, I will always remember my parent. I know the feeling now… I love my parents more and more.


Sleeping time of course! Since Niesreena was born I never sleep tight through the night. I must be wake up at least once to feed her with milk. And going to sleep after she did. But that doesn’t matter. I enjoy doing it.


No more alarm clock! Hehehehe… Niesreena is my alarm clock now. I wake up every time she’s wake up. I’m a morning person now!


Bigger hand bag. Well, guess what in it? Niesreena’s milk bottle, diapers, toys, etc…


My favourite department when going shopping now is baby’s department. So crazy with baby’s stuff. I must buy something for Niesreena at least one every time going shopping. Aaarrrr… I become baby’s maniac!


My body… Paham-paham jer lah. No need to tell more about it!


Before, I love to watch my hubby’s face when he’s sleeping, but now I much more love to watch my sleeping baby’s face. Oooooo… so cute!


No more morning’s talk show. It will be Niesreena’s favourite children’s songs first thing on tv every morning.


Clean up the house every one hour all day! Niesreena loves to make mess. Aaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!


Took hours preparing Niesreena stuffs before going out.


Loves to talk about Niesreena.


More concern about food nutrition. What is good to give to her and what is bad.


Appreciate ‘all-by-myself’ time!


AUD$30 for Niesreena’s toys is so cheap, AUD$30 for my shoes is so expensive!


Handphone’s wallpapers will be Niesreena’s pictures… Always!


No more flowers or other decorative in the table please…


Every day is a surprise.


I look at Niesreena in the mirror instead of look at myself…

That’s the 20’s. I think most of the mothers had the same experiences as me but may be not. So, now I have to tag 5 mommies, that is…

♥ Sit @ emak Eiyu @ http://kireionna.blogdrive.com/
♥ Iszan @ mama Naufal @ http://iszslurp.blogspot.com/
♥ Zura @ mama Wani dan Afiq @ http://shazura.blogs.friendster.com/
♥ Kak Tini @ mama Aiman @ http://fendytini.fotopages.com/
♥ Kak Ita @ mama Aulya @ http://annearita.fotopages.com/

Just reply it when you feel free, but if you don’t, just leave it.

Doesn’t matter.

Thank you!

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